Sometime's it's the words of others that move us. It's other's belief, faith, and understanding that we receive hope from. At the end of the day hearing just a couple of words of wisdom from someone else knowing what they say is true will provide a path for us to act!
Let's listen to them now!
He who hesitates is lost.
Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.
George S. Patton
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
The best way out is always through.
Robert Frost
Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.
William B. Sprague
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is through desire and motivation that calculated intention occurs. Actions that we decide to take, steps that we act on versus react. Many men and women before us knew this. We know this. Sometimes knowing is the easy part, action is still the hard part. So today let's not act alone, more importantly let's act together. I'm going to take steps today that help me reach my goals. Will you do the same so that we can walk toward our goals together?
Walk with Me,
Stacy O'Quinn
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Shake Rattle and Roll, Great Quote's!
Posted by
Stacy O'Quinn
8:10 AM
Labels: act, motivation, Stacy O'Quinn
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Coastal Travel Blitz, with DFI!
Right now in DFI we are in the first ever Coastal Travel Spring Blitz! This is unbelievable some of the stories we've heard and seen. This new girl Jennifer is rocking and rolling from CO. Michelle Avena from CA is doing amazing as well.
Stay tuned we will be sharing some of the confirmed results in just a few days! Coastal Travel is amazing where else can we make up to 9,705 dollars per transaction. Building a business with the Training that DFI has is awesome!
To Our Success,
Stacy OQuinn
Posted by
Stacy O'Quinn
8:53 AM
Labels: blitz, Coastal Travel, DFI
Monday, April 21, 2008
DFI Blitz Coming Soon!
Posted by
Stacy O'Quinn
8:46 AM
Labels: blitz, DFI,
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A Letter sent to my Personal Team...
As we continue to grow it gets harder and harder to get information out to everyone at once. First thing first, if you are going to First Steps in Portland then respond to this email right away and let me know. We will be strategizing and maximizing this event. We will be working together to increase the new prospects that we have there. What if you had 5 people there with you? Could you imagine?
This Saturday we will be announcing some good stuff happening J Pay attention to your email so you get all the updates. The Launch of the CEM advertising just for our group was a start. According to CEM we are the fastest growing team they’ve worked with in a long time. Kelly said yesterday, “It is a complete blast working with DFI knowing that we are working with something big. Just working with your team we can tell you guys are going to explode and grow faster than you already have.” The owner of CEM a legend in the Home Business Industry has been quoted as telling his staff, “To pay close attention to this DFI team because I have not seen a team like this for a really long time in this industry.”
We are grateful that CEM invested in us and created the advertising that they did for us… In my entire Coastal career I’ve never worked advertising like this. We are blessed between Snap response and their quality and the new leads from
Here are some recent things people had to say about the leads from CEM…
“I have put more people in my pipeline this week with these leads then I have in a really long time” Vivian CA
WOW! Are these leads great. My phone is ringing off the hook with interested people. They are the best leads that I have tried in a long time. I don't have time to even Prospect anymore, all I am doing now is answering the phone, F-O-R-M ing them, they have already seen my web site, so then I just go right into the Follow-up script and get them on a Business overview Call, all in the first call. I have now found my permanent Marketing Campaign. Thanks CEM. Cindy, CA
Out of 5 movie leads, I was able to contact 4 of them and have 1 deciding where she wants to get started with Coastal Travel. Excellent job on finding phenomenal people to help. Keep up the great work!!! Jamie TX
Our mission is to create the absolute best environment possible for someone who wants to succeed. If I could share all the things going on behind the scenes with you it would take much longer then we have. Anyone who is working part time consistently should be able to succeed. Cadie from MN is a good example 2-3 hours a day and she’s averaging 7K a month. Not everyone is interested in working as hard as I may or you may a lot of people are happy with working part time. Not everyone wants to make a 6 figure income, and that’s OK as long as we give them a way to reach their personal goals.
That being said keep paying attention we are totally excited about a couple of things that you will see over the next few weeks. We are doing all we can to make it simple. Of course we each have to still do the work. DUH!
Have a powerful week!
Stacy O’Quinn
P.S. If you are going to Portland respond to this email and let’s start getting new prospects trained!
Posted by
Stacy O'Quinn
8:33 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008
What is it like to be part of DFI at a First Steps Event?
We got a letter this weekend from one of our very on Gavin Berkley from WI currently moving to MI. Gavin is a powerful leader with us, anyone one working with him are definitely blessed! He had an exciting experience with our DFI team in Chicago this weekend! What did that weekend do for him? What did he see and learn?
Today is absolutely the best day of my life, because... I am running on fumes, after having only a couple hours sleep each of the last three days. I was on the road and didn't get home until midnight last night. My body is fatigued like nothing else. It is Monday. Our house is NOT ready to have visitors, even though we've spent 14 days to get it ready for sale. My bank account sank a few hundred dollars in the last few days, and I am sitting down for a grueling day or two of preparing my taxes.
Sound crazy? Curious?
I just got back from one of the most amazing weekends of my life, where I was welcomed just like a longtime estranged brother who had been living on a deserted island in parts unknown, by one of the closet knit families on Earth! This family is made up of dozens of inspired people whom I am pleased to consider to be my brothers and sisters. I was met with handshakes, smiles and hugs, and that was just the beginning. Throughout the weekend, we made incredible connections through sharing very personal stories and really getting to know one another.
Now, unlike any family reunion or holiday get together, at this one, there was no complaining, anxiety or bickering. No need to feel competitive, nor any reason to feel intimidated or uneasy.
This family gathering was extraordinarily unique and unlike anything I have ever experienced before. Not only was there a great sense of inspired community, camaraderie, and true caring for one another, I actually learned some things that will have an incredible impact on my life and that will benefit millions of other people too.
For example: I learned how 60 members of my family were able to cut and average of $1,000 from their monthly spending, and about pay off $44,000 in debt in about 8 months (this was an 8 month average) - WITHOUT increasing their income a penny! I also gained new insights into how to relate better to other people, how to establish rapport and make a new friend in about 60 seconds. Not only that, but I was shown how to get more done and make more money in half the time as I have been on my most productive day. And, I learned some very startling facts about the real status of our country and the devastation that is headed our way, what I can personally do to avoid it, and how I can help others do the same.
What I found most exciting about this new found family of mine is that they have all made a very intentional decision to become absolutely FREE from the burdens in their lives that have held them back in the past, and to raise themselves up from mediocrity - which is exactly where 98% of the population lives today - while helping others learn how to do the same.
Friends, if you are not rejoicing today as if it is the best day of your life, then I strongly suggest you make plans today to get to the next family reunion in Portland, Oregon next month, and get ready to be blessed like you never have been before!
This is one family reunion that will become part of your family's legacy and will be talked about for generations to come. Cheers!
Gavin Berkey
Platinum Director
Coastal Travel Madison, WI
(soon to be Kalamazoo, MI)
Gavin we absolutely appreciate you! Thank you so much for sharing your insight and commitment.
Thank YOU
Stacy OQuinn
Posted by
Stacy O'Quinn
10:51 AM
Best FREE MLM Leads, by Dani Johnson
While Coastal Travel is not MLM, recently I read this article that Dani Johnson wrote and it makes sense for any business model. My best friend became a realtor after going to a First Steps event with Dani Johnson and the same principals he learned which are presented by Dani Johnson in this article is exactly how he's built his Real Estate business to a 6 figure income by his second year.
Network Marketing leads can be expensive and sometimes they don't produce the results that are promised. I'm going to show you how to find some of the best prospects without spending a dime or hitting up your friends and family. My husband and I built a sales force of over 20,000 people in 2 years with most of my top producers coming from leads that were FREE!
If you are like I was and have no advertising budget then you have two options, talk to friends and family or do situational prospecting. Since most modern network marketers are now part of the NFL (no friends left) and tremble at the thought of approaching friends and family with yet another "opportunity of a lifetime", we are going to focus on situational prospecting.
Situational prospecting allows you to create a market out of thin air doing the things you normally do every day. You do this without the expense and anxiety of working cold and warm market leads. Situational prospecting taps into the luke-warm market, which is the people you run into throughout the course of a normal day at the post office, grocery store, your children's school, at work, the bank, etc...
Let's say you are at the post office and you see the same postman that's been there for years. You may not know his name but he is familiar to you. What is important is that you don't go into the post office with the intention of selling him into your business opportunity. This is what the MLM amateurs do with little to no success. Your only intention should be to get to know who the postman really is. What's he all about? What are his needs? What is he looking for?
Questions you can ask in any situation are: Where are you from? How long have you been working here? What do you like most about what you do? What do you like the least? Do you have family in the area? Kids? What do you like to do for fun? Where would you like to go? By asking these types of questions you will learn a tremendous amount about this prospect.
You now know what this person's needs, strengths and goals are. When you can find out those three things, you become unstoppable! It is very simple to learn those three things. No matter what you do for a living, if you utilize this concept of locking in people's needs strengths and goals you can build a successful career in any field.
How do you start this process? It's simple, start with a smile, a hello, find something you admire about them and give a compliment. Show a genuine interest in that prospect and they will light up because most people don't bother to even notice them. In doing this it is important to just be yourself as if you were talking to a friend. The last thing you want to do is come off as a salesperson asking the cliché questions that they've heard before like, "do you see yourself working here forever?" Yuck!
Ask yourself this question, do you want to be the person that others are shouting out about saying, "you've got to meet this person, she's amazing!" Or, do you want to be the person that people are avoiding? Practice these relationship building people skills everywhere you go and you will never run out of quality prospects who want to work with you.
Dani Johnson is an author, speaker, trainer and founder of Call to Freedom Int'l. She went from living out of her car with $2.03 to her name to earning her first million in two short years by the age of 23. Dani regularly consults, mentors, and coaches business owners, entrepreneurs, and career professionals on business, leadership development, personal achievement, marketing solutions, profit strategies, relationship marketing, and team development.
Gain control now of your financial future with a free CD that was released from a private training seminar by Dani Johnson. This exclusive event and these tips, tricks and techniques are now available for you to claim immediately at no cost. Go to to grab your copy now and remove all barriers to your financial future now!
It's because of this training and the results of it is why DFI recommends her for everything we do! Ever single person who has created a six figure income with us did so through Dani Johnson and her training.
To your SUCCESS!
Stacy O'Quinn
Posted by
Stacy O'Quinn
10:36 AM
Labels: calling leads, Dani Johnson, mlm
Thursday, April 10, 2008
How to Maintain Consistancy in Your Home-Based Business!
Recently I found this article that Dani Johnson wrote. It was powerful and had a lot of valuable points for any one that is in Decide Freedom International, Coastal Travel or any home business. I will provide you will some details on how with her training we made $253,000 dollars in two and a half years but first read this...
Many home business builders struggle with consistency or lack there of in getting results. The simple answer is contained in that dreaded four-letter word, WORK! I'm going to show you a little secret to keep you consistent and moving forward in your business...
The reason why most of us struggle with fear, inconsistency and lack of focus is really simple. We don't give our network marketing business the same diligence and commitment that we give our boss every day on our job. This is the main reason we struggle with self-motivation, fear, procrastination and consistency.
Think about it, if you showed up on your job and you did not do the tasks that you are paid to do, what will happen? You would be fired! The same applies to your home business except for the fact that you will have to fire yourself. You will give yourself the axe because you can't afford to stay and play with the rest of us.
To find consistency you have to work. This is not a lottery ticket. This is not a game. This is not something that is played by chance. This is hard work, dedication and commitment. If we give this the same kind of hard work, dedication and commitment that we do our job every single day, we will have incredibly consistent success.
This topic doesn't call for a lot of elaboration or explanation. This is a principle that anyone can grab a hold of. The simple concept of giving your home business the same commitment to excellence that you give to your boss at work will shift your paradigm and create consistent results month after month.
Here's the tough question you need to ask yourself. Based on how you've been working your business, would you hire you? If the answer is no then it's time to step up and give the same effort and commitment as you do your job or do something else with your time. It really is that simple!
Dani Johnson is an author, speaker, trainer and founder of Call to Freedom Int'l. She went from living out of her car with $2.03 to her name to earning her first million in two short years by the age of 23. Dani regularly consults, mentors, and coaches business owners, entrepreneurs, and career professionals on business, leadership development, personal achievement, marketing solutions, profit strategies, relationship marketing, and team development.
Gain control now of your financial future with a free CD that was released from a private training seminar by Dani Johnson. This exclusive event and these tips, tricks and techniques are now available for you to claim immediately at no cost. Go to to grab your copy now and remove all barriers to your financial future now!
Article Source:
To learn how we applied her training specifically go to
No matter what your goal is, if you want to increase your SUCCESS! I'm confident Dani's training will benefit you!
To Your Ultimate Success,
Stacy OQuinn
"Stay at Home Dad"
Posted by
Stacy O'Quinn
10:35 AM
Labels: Dani Johnson, home business
Will Dani Johnson and her training make you Successful?
Will Dani Johnson and her training make you successful? What is success for you? Will you achieve success? Can Dani Johnson really help you??? These are all questions many of us have when we first hear about her training.
What we know for a fact is that training is proven! You can go here and see some results of Dani Johnson and her training. In DFI we recommend Dani Johnson and First Steps to Success to every single member when they first get started if they are aggressively looking to have success! This weekend DFI will have a large team in Chicago at the upcoming First Steps to Success event!
Hearing the stories out of these events are absolutely breath taking. We don't get anything from promoting Dani Johnson in DFI other then benefiting from each other's success. So it doesn't matter what your company is or what you do for a living. The real question is are you serious about your success?
If your answer is yes, then I highly recommend that you not only get to First Steps but plug into that training and model every aspect you can to create the same results our team has had!
Have a AWESOME Day!
Stacy OQuinn
P.S. To find our more about our team specifically go to the Decide Freedom International page
Posted by
Stacy O'Quinn
8:33 AM
Labels: Dani, Dani Johnson, Success
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Why work at home if you can't have more time with your KIDS!
Today working in the office Edgar came in and wanted to get his training underway! While it was a little more challenging then most of the new director's that I work with at least he was on the phone so we got that step covered. It is moments like this that make me glad I'm at home with my kids.
If you are looking to spend more time with your kids and have financial freedom and prepared to work there are many options out there! But the first thing I would recommend is to find a system you can duplicate very well and plug into Dani Johnson and First Steps to Success RIGHT AWAY!
If you are working from home and in the hunt for that flexibility and freedom! Then I recommend that you plug in to Dani Johnson and her training to ensure that you will reach the success you are looking for! Keep your eye on the ball! Make a decision on what your outcome will be and DO NOT LOSE SIGHT OF IT! Do not hesitate! Act and act TODAY!
To work from home with us and be at the next Dani Johnson training event...
To Your Ultimate Success!
Stacy OQuinn
Monday, April 7, 2008
Just in from Cutting Edge Media
Everyone who had an account with Cutting Edge Media just got this letter...
The countdown is on!
Starting sometime in the next 24 hours, advertising for DFI Premium & DFI Movie leads will start—which means your leads will start appearing in your inbox. Start watching your email for your leads!
We’re very excited that the DFI lead campaign is about to launch. As always, we’re your partners in this endeavor, and we want to hear how you’re doing and how the leads are working for you. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.
If you know anyone else in DFI who might benefit using leads, please forward them to our lead store or have them give us a call. You can reach us at 1.800.561.9297 x1189 (Krissy) or x1186 (Kelly). And you can always manage your account and order leads at
Looking forward to hearing from you—thanks for your business!
To Your Success,
Kelly Barrett & Krissy Hitz
Cutting Edge Media, Inc.
P.S. If you check out, you’ll see that there’s a space in the header for a success story . . . and it could be yours. Send us your success stories (short, please—it has to fit up there!) and your story could featured right on the DFI lead store homepage!
That's good for all of DFI
Stacy OQuinn
Posted by
Stacy O'Quinn
2:34 PM
Labels: Cutting Edge Media
Cutting Edge Media is supporting DFI and Coastal Travel
In DFI we are absolutely blessed with a new inspired level of Support that we have gotten from Cutting Edge Media. They do the advertising and marketing for us and on our behalf in DFI. They are very familar with the Coastal Travel Package and we are excited that they have invested the time, effort and money to develop new advertising for us in DFI. The new advertising is good for 2 really big reasons.
1. It is DFI branded so that there is continuity from our team. From myself walking out and talking on the movie lead then being on the DFI page that your clients are redirected too. There is complete continuity. And it is definitely rememorable. Also the Premium lead features several members of DFI and it is the same feel of our team when you go to the redirected page. Once again extremely rememorable.
2. With the premium lead right out of the gate before they complete any information they are told they need to purchase a package! Even encouraged to come in at the Top package! I've never seen a lead that did that before.
You can see the new advertising at
To your Ultimate Success!
Stacy O'Quinn
Posted by
Stacy O'Quinn
11:14 AM
Labels: Coastal Travel, DFI, leads