Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Comfort Zone

Every single person that is their own boss, self employed and self driven must always learn to succeed beyond their comfort zone.  Dani Johnson has worded like this, "Put last months check in the drawer and figure out how to do it all over again."

Reflect on the words of the poem for a moment going into 2010!  In your own business in the new year reach for all you can and step away from your comfort zone.


I used to have a comfort zone

where I knew I wouldn't fail.
The same four walls and busywork
were really more like jail.

I longed so much to do the things I'd never done before,
But stayed inside my comfort zone and paced the same old floor.

I said it didn't matter that I wasn't doing much.
I said I didn't care for things like commission checks and such.

I claimed to be so busy with the things inside the zone,
But deep inside I longed for something special of my own.

I couldn't let my life go by just watching others win.
I held my breath; I stepped outside and let the change begin.
I took a step and with new strength I'd never felt before,
I kissed my comfort zone goodbye and closed and locked the door.

If you're in a comfort zone,
afraid to venture out,

Remember that all winners were at one time filled with doubt.
A step or two and words of praise can make your dreams come true.

Reach for your future with a smile;
success is there for you!

Have a powerful New Year!
Stacy O'Quinn

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Choice My Freedom, today learn how to make a Cheeseball!

Well Merry Christmas to all!

Today it is just one of those days that I experience one of those magical moments working from home and being self employed. I can do exactly what I want!!! It's my freedom and it's my choice! Family is in town and with more coming in tomorrow so my work will be light and my fun will start early!

I have the best boss in the world, me.

Today we are going to have fun with my second passion outside of making money. That's cooking! We are going to learn how to make one of the most amazing cheese balls of my life.

Ingredients needed:

1 8oz packaged of cream cheese
1 8oz package of cheddar cheese
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp hot sauce
1 tsp steak sauce
2 TBLsp crushed pecans
2 TBLsp chili powder

Shred cheddar and let both cheeses stand and get room temp. Combine in a bowl and add garlic and onion powder then hot sauce and steak sauce. Wash hands throughly and mix well with hands. Nead the cheeses together with your fingers. After about 5 mins of mixing neading form a ball with mixture.

Roll out wax paper wax side up sprinkle a generous layer of the chili powder out and roll cheese ball mixure into it. Use your hands forming the ball to spread it out evenly then lay out crushed pecans and roll the ball in that to cover the outside.

Place ball on small dish cover loosely and let stand for 2 hours in the fridge.

Once you make it please leave comments if you liked it.

Merry Christmas,
Stacy O'Quinn

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Lucrative Home Business from Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki knows what it takes to create a Lucrative Home Business. As a well respected Author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" He shares a very powerful concept in this video to building wealth. He even tells you if he had to start over today what he would do and why he would do it! If you have never seen this video watch it now all the way through.

There is a desire in you because something in your life is not exactly how you want it. You don't have the wealth you deserve. You are tired of letting someone else control you! It doesn't matter how you do it but if you want freedom you must BREAK FREE.

No one in bondage ever tasted FREEDOM!

Let's Do Something Great Together
Stacy O'Quinn

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

And You Thought Reaching Your Dreams Would be Difficult?

Build One Dream at A Time,
Stacy O'Quinn

How to Build Wealth Off of the Tiger Woods Scandal!

In one man's folly there is an opportunity for another to find gold. If you have a TV or radio you have undoubtedly heard about Tiger Woods's alleged infidelity. While it is a travesty for any person or family to go through it is painful to watch as well. Someone who had it all crashes and burns and it's a public spectacle for all to watch. There are two things you have to understand if you are going to build wealth. Block out the noise and be reminded of the traits that are great that lead someone to success.

As Tiger Woods's struggles with his transgressions and deeply personal issues it would be easy for most of us to sit and judge and dwell on, but let's look at it differently. Building wealth is about seeing what others never noticed even if it's obvious. Tiger Woods is one of the greatest golfers in the world and right now no one is talking about his golf game. If we want to succeed we have to find models. And in some areas of Tiger's life it's fair to say with what the media has reported we certainly don't want to model. The qualities that made him a great golfer can make you wealthy as well and we should not ignore that.

Now we are not talking about his golf game, that's pure talent. We all have talent. Every single one of us has our own God given talents. But what makes Tiger such a great golfer is his drive, desire and persistence. It's been well reported that when he's focusing on golf he is not researching or trying to figure things out. He is practicing! Practicing is an action. Thinking is inaction. We have all thought of ways to make more money or build wealth. If we actually put our talents and thoughts into action the results would be different. Most well meaning people never get past the thinking stage and there for never develop results.

Tiger Woods does not just play golf often, he is dedicated to it. He practices relentlessly even though he's the greatest in the world at putting a little round ball into a tiny cup. Do you think he knew he would be one of the wealthiest sports stars of all times? Probably not but he knew he would do well at gold because he made the decision to put an extreme amount of effort and be diligent at it. Find something you can do great and treat it like Tiger treats golf. Even has he slips and falls right now there still very positive things we can take from an example that Tiger Woods gives.

As a side note, I've never been a huge Tiger Woods fan but if we are judging, it is very difficult to be in action mode. Judgment is a slippery slope, once you judge someone right or wrong you cut off your ability to see the good things in them. That would hinder your ability to model what made them successful and learn from it.

Stacy O'Quinn is a Christian Dad, Husband, Business Owner, Motivator and Business Developer. He currently focuses heavily on helping others create Six Figure Income from home. He's assisted several already and believes that the biggest key is being a real person and providing real guidance to a new person just starting up. He openly provides tips and techniques to anyone looking to work from home and he has a vision of creating 10 New Six Figure Income Earners in 2010. If that is your desire than join him at http://www.moretimegreatmoney.com/

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How to Help a Stay Home Mom Make Money Part-Time

Helping anyone create a 6 figure income is certainly not an easy task. Helping a stay home mom do it just simply by the nature of her lifestyle is even more difficult. We all know that stay home moms are the most over worked and under paid people on the planet. So for a mom who wants to make a six figure income from home three things must be in a place. First a simple process that you've followed your self, second you need to let the world know and find the moms with the right motivation and finally you must have full proof way for her to acquire clients and/or customers.

Let's start with the simple process. Are you in a real home business that works? I know that sounds like a dumb question but it has to be simple and work for everyone. Moms and certainly stay home moms are the busiest people on the planet. So for a mom to make a six figure income it does not have to be "easy" it has to be simple and doable. If you are going to help anyone make a 6 figure income have you already done it? Have you helped other people create that level of income? On our team we have become very intentional on how the top income earners and the newest income earners build their business. It's the exact same. When helping someone become successful you can generalize the process, you have to be very exact and specific in your game plan. One way to prove if a mom can do it is easy; just ask is this simple enough I can get 14 year old kids to do it? Not that mom's are on the same level as a 14 year old kid but she is extremely busy and doesn't have 4 years to succeed otherwise she would just go to college or get another job!

Second you need to let the world what you are doing very strategically so you can find those that are serious. The right opportunity definitely requires the right stay home mom. The process must be simple but the stay home mom but have a strong desire as well. Most moms have a ton going on all day long and if the desire to create a solid professional level of income from home is not there she will get distracted and procrastinate. Naturally when we have a lot on our plates we tend to do what we are most comfortable with first. Any new business adventure will not survive with that type of reason. Most mom's have been a stay home mom most of their adult life. Starting a business or even making a 6 figure income from home is not even something she may have ever considered before. So you definitely have to ensure that the determination is there. Simply conduct an interview with her just like you would for any other job or business you have.

Finally you have to ensure you have a solid proven way of helping the new stay home mom you are working with get new clients to become a 6 figure income earner. Moms don't have time to play around. The time they do have available is valuable. I have advertising companies that guarantee me a specific response via the Internet and that's how I've built 95% of my business and I introduce every single new business partner I work with to them. We build a business in the exact same way. I'm extremely confident that when I've selected a new mom to work with and they have the right motivation that they have an above average shot ad doing well and making a 6 figure income.

We need three primary things to help a stay home mom make a 6 figure income. First game plan on how you are going to get a mom to that level of success, so simple you know a motivated 14 year old could do it. Then you need to find the right mom, one with a high level of desire and motivation. Finally you must be able to ensure that getting clients is not a chore but rather a simple task. It has to work so well it is your primary way of building a business. All of your pieces have to come together and have allowed you to build a successful income part time. Most moms can only work part time. You may have made a ton of money but if it was not possible part time then you are not going to be helping any stay home mom.

Stacy O'Quinn is a Christian Dad, Husband, Business Owner, Motivator and Business Developer. He currently focuses heavily on helping others create Six Figure Income from home. He's assisted several already and believes that the biggest key is being a real person and providing real guidance to a new person just starting up. He openly provides tips and techniques to anyone looking to work from home and he has a vision of creating 10 New Six Figure Income Earners in 2010. If that is your desire than join him at http://www.moretimegreatmoney.com/

Friday, December 11, 2009

How To Find a Christian Home Business

Here is an article that I wrote a while back based off of some advertising on the Internet.  The "Christian Home Business" Banner seems to only get bigger with time.  Lots of it is just plain marketing but there are real ways to find a Christian home business and I wanted to share that in this article.

Many times as believers it is our desire to work with and associate with other believers. So if we have a choice to work a job or be in business for ourselves we always want to work around Christians. That often leads us to looking for a Christian Home Business. Three key things you must remember when finding a Christian home business. First you must pray before you start looking, in Matt. God gives us very good guidance when he instructs us to "Ask, Seek and Knock". Second you must find a Christian to work with. Birds of a feather flock together and if you find a strong Christian chances are he has surrounded himself with others like him. Third you have to understand that there is no such thing as a Christian Home Business there are just business that have a strong Christian environment because of the people that have become attracted to that environment.

First, you must pray. The foundation must be right in any search. You pray for wisdom and you pray for guidance. When you find what you are looking for you will know it. It will feel right. Now there may be challenges in the beginning there usually is with any business, but if you start with prayer you will be in the right position to succeed no matter what. Remember it's always better to face challenge in the will of God vs facing challenges outside of the will of God. There is no better freedom than working for yourself being your own boss and seeking the will of God. That's your goal!

Second, just find that one person who you can feel good is not only a Christian but is going to tell you what you need to know to succeed and not tickle your ears. You will know when you have that connection even if you just met the person over the phone. Make sure if you are looking for success that they have that success already. There are a lot of Christians that are successful financially and many that are not. If you are looking to build a Christian Home Business than make sure that you've found someone that has done it, that you can trust and you can follow.

Finally, you have to be cautious of anything titled "Christian Home Business"! While there are many good positive ways to make money from home or start a home business. There are also many ways to be marketed too as well. No single business can be a Christian Home Business only the people in the business can be Christians and create a Christian environment. No home business is going to heaven. I know it's kind of redundant to say but there is a lot of well meaning Christians jumping on the band wagon with anything labeled Christian! The label doesn't matter does it feel right and if you prayed trust your first instinct!

So if you are looking a Christian Home Business good luck there are a lot of successful Christians out there who I'm confident if you give it a 110% they will work with you. Just remember pray first, find a strong Christian person to work with and finally don't fall for "Christian Home Business" advertising. If you prayed look for that connection!

Stacy O'Quinn is a Christian Dad, Husband, Business Owner, Motivator and Business Developer. He currently focuses heavily on helping others create Six Figure Income from home. He's assisted several already and believes that the biggest key is being a real person and providing real guidance to a new person just starting up. He openly provides tips and techniques to anyone looking to work from home and he has a vision of creating 10 New Six Figure Income Earners in 2010. If that is your desire than join him at http://www.moretimegreatmoney.com/

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How to Create a Lucrative Home Business With One Tip and Dani Johnson Training

With today's economy it is more important than ever to create a lucrative income from home and anyone can do it. But the first ingredients are the home business has to be legitimate, focused and intentional. Several key points we will discuss is how your training must be outsourced, your ego can't be in the way and you must lead by example. And yes all this can be summed up in one simple tip and I'll prove that too you as you continue to read.

Any training that has created a lucrative home business has guided people to become successful. The training process that you use has to be one that is simple and can't be motivated from a point of manipulation. It has to be motivated from a place with a desire for each individual's success. This is the number one reason we have and continue to outsource a lot of our training to Dani Johnson. Dani Johnson is not directly connected to your company so they only reason Dani Johnson can benefit is for you to succeed wildly. Dani's training is the single biggest reason more people in our company has created a lucrative income far faster than most in the home business industry.

Second piece of creating a lucrative home business is your ego can't be in the way. It is difficult often times for a person who has created success to defeat the temptation of not being the focal point of other's attention. I heard a multi millionaire once say, "If you don't care who gets the credit you can become unusually successful." As you grow and as you look to build a very lucrative home business only look for those that are willing to point to the "expert" they learned from. Don't become the expert! Create someone else with a track record as your expert not only does it create another avenue for training and learning but it creates third party credibility so a new person spends less time wandering if it works and does more doing.

Helping other people get what they want is the quickest way to get what you want. That's a solid foundation to any lucrative income much less a lucrative home business. I don't just recommend Dani Johnson in our company I follow what she teaches as well. I use her techniques, follow her example and know that it works because of the lucrative income we've created. Leading by example is not only fruit of true integrity it's also attractive in the market place because it is all too often rare. If your training process works and your expert is legit then follow it yourself and lead by example.

So have you figured out that one tip yet? You know the one to help you have a lucrative home business? It's simple! Promote! Promote what you do if you are leading by example because it should lead back to the expert. True promotion of a real process means you aren't the end all be all and it means you can't have an ego. And finally if you are outsourcing your training then of course you have to effectively promote your training. After all that should be the reason you are successful.

Stacy O'Quinn is a Christian Dad, Husband, Business Owner, Motivator and Business Developer. He currently focuses heavily on helping others create Six Figure Income from home. He's assisted several already and believes that the biggest key is being a real person and providing real guidance to a new person just starting up. He openly provides tips and techniques to anyone looking to work from home and he has a vision of creating 10 New Six Figure Income Earners. If that is your desire than join him at http://www.moretimegreatmoney.com/