If you want to build a lucrative income from home success requires two things. A strong desire on your part and an effective training method you can access. There are several things that we do and have done over the last several years working from home to create success for others. Recently I shared in a new post over at the new 6 Figure Income Club a audio training series that I used personally to generate 10,705 dollars this week.
It's amazing if you look at all the junk that can be found online there are lots of promises and hype but most people if you can talk to a real person are not doing what they teach. If they did they could show you the results other people are having and not stories. I mean real people. That's probably something that I learned at a Dani Johnson event years ago, real success has the real stories, meaning the people are REAL and VERIFIABLE. Either you can talk to or hear them live over the phone or in person.
Lots of people show "testimonies of success with a product or service", but how do you know it's real? Only one way to find out, and that is to talk too or listen to those people in a live environment and unrecorded. Most people don't have that level of results that they can do that and make it available to other people. Once I saw that at once I wanted to work with a company or in an environment that created that type of results.
And it starts first with the training when you are looking for a Lucrative Home Business. If you are providing solid training you should be able to show those results to anyone who is new that you maybe working with. If you are looking for a Lucrative Home Business then look for the real results FIRST!
To Your Success,
Stacy O'Quinn
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Real Training required for a Lucrative Home Business
Posted by Stacy O'Quinn at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Coastal Training, Lucrative Home Business, results
Friday, February 26, 2010
New 6 Figure Income Club
Have you ever had the desire to do something but put it off for a prolonged period of time?
The new update to the 6 Figure Income Club has been in the making for quite some time. But now is the time. To continue to learn new tips techniques and strategies on how to work from home and build a lucrative income from home. Visit the 6 Figure Income Club now!
To learn what Michelle from CA just did last night on our team go there now!
To Your Success,
Stacy O'Quinn
Posted by Stacy O'Quinn at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
6 Figure Income Club Results, Lucrative Home Business
Working from home and having a lucrative home business is really priceless. I normally use this blog to discuss some of the things that have made our company successful and I usually share those successes as well. Results are the only thing that matters when you are looking to create success. People follow results and that's the key to any lucrative home business.
I will be giving some recent results in just a moment. Many of our loyal readers here at the Six Figure Income Club know that this is just a hobby and passion of mine. Many of the folks that I work with follow what is going on in our company as I know personally. We will be moving to a new location soon and getting a major software upgrade! STAY TUNED... I'll let you know as soon as it's finalized. We can't wait!
Ok so we've been crazy busy this month and I've personally been working with 5 new people one on one this month! I'm very excited about two people in particular. One is Ralph Roccuzzo and the other is Deborah Mimms. Both of them have positioned themselves mentally and physically to have incredible success. Hopefully they will be at First Steps to Success in Jacksonville FL http://www.registerforfirststeps.com/. Every single six figure income earner I've ever worked there went to that training first. I personally never made any money in my own business until I went through that specific training. I have no doubt that both Ralph and Deborah if they are consistant and went to that training that they could become 6 Figure Income Earners this year.
IN OTHER NEWS... We would not have a lucrative home business if we did not know some recent results. Cadie Kalmes recently shared she's made 7,400 dollars so far this month. That's not bad for a stay at home mom working part time. Her team is certainly blessed to be working with her.
Also I just had a conversation with Hilary Snyder she shared that she is making profit 1 out of every 38 DIALS!!! Personally I was blown away! In the last month and a half I've made about 31,400 dollars in profit this year so far. I told you in December that Jan-April were big months. But the point is I personally do not come close to Hilary's numbers that just simply incredible!
Have a Blessed Day!
Stacy O'Quinn
Posted by Stacy O'Quinn at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: 6 figure Income, Cadie Kalmes, Lucrative Home Business
Thursday, February 4, 2010
A Lucrative Home Business requires a Tsunami!
As promised we are about to share the secrets to the Tsunami that Decide Freedom is doing! This got kicked off for our team at the at the last First Steps to Success event with Dani Johnson. If you watch closely you will learn how you can be part of something that will create crazy results in your life.
If you are already making a 6 figure income or you are part of a lucrative home business already it is very simple for you to grab a hold of what our tcompany has done and use it for your own gain! The two basic rules are this... 1. Your hearts desire for other people has to be geniune and 2. You must be able to plant a vision.
Now, there are at least 3 distinct things you want to listen for.
First, Mrs. Renae Heikkila, discusses Tsunami of 2010 and exactly what you have to do in order to have the fastest quickest success possible. Then Mr. Jackie O'Quinn, discusses something that is completely historic and has never been done before in the history of Coastal Travel or DFI. After that Mr. Stacy O'Quinn, gives a special announcement that is very time specific.
You may have heard Jackie talking about the award rings and here they are!
You can be part of the Tsunami TOO! Complete an application now!
See you at the Top!
Stacy O'Quinn
P.S. Congrats to Lorraine Rodman for finishing out January with $10,000 plus. Lorraine you Rock!
P.S.S. Also Kathy Allen and Sue from CO who just moved to VA congrats on both of you on making $3,200 dollars by the third day of Feb. That is awesome that's a track that equals 1,000 dollars a day in income. Any one working with you guys are absolutely BLESSED!
Posted by Stacy O'Quinn at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: 6 figure Income, Decide Freedom, Lucrative Home Business
Monday, February 1, 2010
DFI Tsunami, Dani Johnson and January!
Money is not all life is made of but dang if it doesn't make life easier :)
Part of having a lucrative home business is simply understanding it. I just saw a commentary on the news of how bad the economy is and I'm wandering? What does these people really do for a living? Are they living under a rock? Are they actually working for a living?
Things aren't perfect but GEEZ! They aren't that bad either. Back in December we mentioned it here and I shared that January is usually a strong month for us in our lucrative home business and being part of Decide Freedom. But we personally just had a record January at $27,200 in profit in one month.
I will be sharing some of the details about whats happening specifically on our team in an upcoming post. If you want the details than enter your email to the right.
We just had the DFI Tsunami call and have kicked that off with the Leadership Council Rings and cruise contest! Our team is going to be attending the First Steps to Success Event in Jacksonville FL with Dani Johnson! It promises to be an incredible year.
In up coming post I'll share details about the DFI Tsunami and how you can apply it to what ever business you are in. To maginfy the results you are getting, Dani Johnson and her training is a keep part of the puzzle though.
Have a Blessed Day!
Stacy O'Quinn
Posted by Stacy O'Quinn at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dani Johnson, DFI Tsunami