Friday, March 4, 2011

Dani Johnson "Secret Millionaire" on Good Morning America

Dani Johnson Secret Millionaire on the new ABC reality series "Secret Millionaire", just finished an interview yesterday on Good Morning America.  What's important about that interview is what she said afterwards.  She want's the half a million clients she has to step up and step out, if you've been impacted by their training go out and help others.

Dani Johnson is a secret no more.  She's made millions and helped others make millons as well.  She built a business until recently only on word of mouth as others had success they told others about Dani Johnson and her training.  Our entire company in Coastal Travel has been built by what has helped Dani Johnson be come a Secret Millionaire.

If you missed the interview here it is

To Your Success,
Stacy O'Quinn

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Secret Millionaire Dani Johnson Changes Lives

ABC’s Secret Millionaire Dani Johnson has changed thousands of people’s lives. Most of them will shout their results from the roof tops. Almost 6 years ago I was in the military and 6 figures in debt. I was living paycheck to paycheck when I first heard about the Secret Millionaire Dani Johnson.

I had started working part time from home in a home business with a company called Coastal Travel. It seemed like a great product and I loved to travel. Anything to make extra money to help my family, we had invested a little money to get going but we really wanted to succeed. I was tired of spending time away from my family. After going to Dani Johnson’s training event called First Steps to Success I not only felt like I was a secret millionaire myself but I knew I had learned some very specific skills that would create and incredible income. The next month we generated 13,000 dollars working part time from home with Coastal Travel.

ABC’s Secret Millionaire Dani Johnson, through her training has not only help me but today every single 6 Figure Income earner in Coastal Travel has been able to have that kind of results simply working from their home and applying what she teaches. Dani Johnson is one reason for Coastal Travel’s explosive growth. Coastal Travel will likely create 100 new secret millionaires thanks to Dani’s training.

To Your Success,
Stacy O'Quinn