Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Giving Back Is Part Of Small Business Success

Small business enterprises are the lifeblood of this country and the heart of capitalism. People working together to make the world a better place is what America is all about. Though earning a six figure income is great, business success is not all about money. Giving back to others is also important because it shows people that the company is respectable.

A good reputation goes a long way in the corporate world, no matter how small the business. By positively affecting the local, regional, or national community, a business creates a decent name for itself. As a result, more customers are drawn to the company, increasing income and providing workers with job security. Everyone wins when a business gives back to the community.

Some entrepreneurs struggle to find ways to give back, especially those with a limited budget. There are many things they can do and some do not involve spending a dime. For example, entrepreneurs can donate their time and skills to local charities, doling out food at a soup kitchen or helping a charity establish a strategic plan.

Companies can request that workers donate their time to community maintenance like keeping parks clean or painting public buildings. Businesses can sponsor community sports teams or hold a fundraiser for a family in need. A donation of products or services makes a great prize for a church or school fundraiser. Some entrepreneurs benefit their communities by serving on committees focused on the local area.

Many of these efforts can be tailored for an online business. Any company can donate a percentage of its sales to a charity. By making an effort to create a difference on a local level or wider scale, the business draws additional customers. The more involved the company is, the more visible it will be and the faster it will grow.

Monday, January 30, 2012

How To Build An Amazing Team

To find the role-model for a perfect team, look no further than the infamous A-Team of television fame. Each member of this group had a defined role, one of the keys to effective collaboration. It was small in size and members formed a cohesive group due to the outside threats it faced. Teams are universal but not all of them are as effective as this fictional team that managed to elude the government for 15 years.

If you are challenged with creating a great work team, you may not be able to have a con man, pilot, master of disguise, and mohawked mechanic join your ranks. Nor will you have the pleasure of riding around in a tricked-out van all day. However, you can learn important aspects of team building from groups like this.

Conventional business wisdom recommends hiring great people. These role model teams challenge this line of thinking. Remove the motivational posters and calendars from the wall and avoid the urge to utter the words “team player.” Sit down and come up with the true meaning of a team in your work environment. Then, create the conditions in which this group will flourish.

Teamwork should be considered a practice and outcome. You cannot wish it into existence- you must develop the environment in which it can grow. Each person earmarked for your team must learn to do more with others. Responsibility is shared and though you cannot control what others do, you can control what you do.

Along those lines, there are training programs available to assist with team building. Dani Johnson training in particular is proven effective in the business world. Dani has built many successful teams during her two decades in the business world and she shares her secrets to success in her strategy calls, books, and educational materials.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Make Blogging A Priority This Year

If you have a work at home business, make blogging a primary digital marketing strategy this year. According to the experts, blogging and social media are the formula for success in 2012. More online businesses will realize how powerful excellent content is and how social media can help spread this information. Become one of them and you may find yourself earning six figures this year.

Every online business owner should focus on search engine optimization. This is what lands the company website on the first page of online search results lists. Google bases it rankings partially on backlinks from blogs. Some SEO experts report that rankings are more affected by these backlinks than by keywords. Creating an informative blog that inspires thought positions the entrepreneur as a subject matter expert, increasing the backlinks.

Few consumers have enough free time to read a newspaper, book, or even an article. They are much more likely to read a short blog. These people represent the target audience, making blogging even more important. A blog can even be monetized, offering additional income through tools like Google AdSense.

A decent blogger builds and maintains a loyal following and drives traffic to the company website. These individuals are few and far between, so if you consider yourself one, start blogging right away. Regardless of what the company sells, a blog can give you a competitive advantage. Just look at TMZ, Engadget, and Mashable.

Blogs bring the target market to you and they are great platforms for testing ideas and sparking conversations with prospects and customers. They can be used to announce a new product or service, generate feedback, and create a buzz. Using social media like Facebook or Twitter to link to a blog that features a short video can be enough to encourage people to visit the company website.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dani Johnson Appears On Herman & Sharron Show On CTN

On January 25 and 26, Dani Johnson visited the “It’s Time for Herman & Sharron Show” on Christian Television Network (CTN). During her latest media appearance, the self-made millionaire had no problem sharing her rags to riches story. Dani came from an abusive household, managed to survive being homeless and on welfare, and is now a multimillionaire on a mission to help others.

Dani is not shy about her faith, making her the perfect guest for this top-rated Christian cable television program. Dani is currently raising a family and despite her wealth, she has learned how to do it on a budget. She does not want to repeat her initial mistake of spending all the money she earned. Been there, done that, she says. Link

The life story Dani relayed to Herman & Sharron is real. It is difficult to hear at times but it is also inspirational. Many people can relate to the unfortunate circumstances that Dani found herself in at a young age. This multimillionaire hopes to encourage them to change their lives like she did. Through her media appearances, she lets others know she is here to help.

Dani offers training programs regarding career, finance, family matters, faith, and business. One of her main crusades is helping people get out of debt. Success stories can be found on her website and in her books and training materials. Simply by following her advice, average people have eliminated their debt and are now earning six figures.

If you missed Dani’s appearance on CTN, look for a rebroadcast. In the meantime, browse the helpful information on her website and read one of her books. Bringing Dani into your world could be life-changing like it has been for thousands of other people. A successful, fulfilling, debt-free life may be right around the corner.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Keep Cozy Working From Home During Winter

While snow falls and winter winds whip, people who work from home are nestled comfortably in their office, working away. By eliminating commuting from their daily routine, they can work longer hours each day. No matter what Mother Nature holds, they remain productive. While other companies are closed following a snowstorm, home based professionals are busy earning the dough.

An online job is the easiest work to perform from home because all you need is a computer with an Internet connection. Tools like Skype have eliminated the need for a dedicated business telephone line. Other business professionals use a cell phone with an unlimited minute plan for both business and personal reasons.

Working from home has other benefits, including the large number of tax deductions. A portion of the mortgage and utility payments can be deducted from income taxes. Depending on the percentage they are used for business purposes, computer, phone, fax, printer, and Internet costs may also be deducted. Even expenses for office supplies can be tax deductions if they are used for business reasons.

When lunchtime comes, there is no need to drive to a local takeout joint or dine in a loud corporate cafeteria. Simply head to the kitchen and prepare a quick meal. Take a lunch break or work through lunch at your desk--the choice is yours. If the room becomes too cold, turn on a space heater or throw on a blanket.

There is no need to pay for expensive day care for the children or dog--just set them up in a corner of the room and get to work. By the time the day is over, you will have accomplished more than was possible when working in a corporate office. The large number of home-based opportunities makes this work arrangement possible for nearly anyone.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Go Shopping With Secret Millionaire Dani Johnson

Dani Johnson claims she can feed a family of six for just $100 a week but few people believe her. She recently proved it, with an undercover video recording her as she shopped in the grocery store. She guided viewers down each aisle, showing them how they can keep money in their pockets while purchasing healthy food for the family.

Dani revealed a few tips that will help consumers fatten their wallets. She explained how supermarkets can rob shoppers and how to outsmart sensory overload tactics used by many grocery advertisers. She also discussed the difference between a necessity and a luxury. Many consumers are ill-informed in these areas and Dani is prepared to set them straight.

The informative video is located on Dani’s website for all to view. It covers a portion of what was discussed during Part 1 of her Debt Elimination & Financial Independence Webinar and Teleseminar. Beneath the video is an audio recording of an exclusive interview with Dani, where she provides answers to frequently asked questions.

If the video piques your interest, you may wish you participated in Part 1 of the seminar. It is not too late because you can register for Part 2 and receive access to the complete Part 1 Webinar. When it comes to eliminating debt, waiting until later is not an option. Left ignored, financial issues do not go away, they only worsen, taking the credit score with them.

In addition to showing people how to live well on under $100 per week, Dani explains how to quickly and completely eliminate debt. She teaches participants her “War On Debt” system, a proven method that tens of thousands of people have used to become debt-free. With the step-by-step detail offered in this seminar, anyone can immediately embark on the road to financial freedom.