Monday, April 30, 2012

How To Create An Email Marketing List

Let’s face it, email is not going away. In fact, it has become much more than a fast and convenient communication tool. Many entrepreneurs now consider it an extension of their website, using it for business development. By developing an email list that includes prospective and current customers, business owners can send targeted messages to the desired audience on a regular basis.

Even the best home based business will not be remarkable unless the owner takes an active role with marketing. It is not difficult to do some email marketing on the company website. The simplest and most common approach involves creating an opt-in form on the home page. This form should be located above the fold so site visitors will see it without scrolling down the page.

It costs approximately $20 per month to use an email marketing services provider. When creating the form, ask for only an email address because less information requested equals higher opt-in rates. Offering an incentive like a free e-book or a coupon code should create the best results. Include this form on the About Us page of the site to capture visitors interested in learning more about your company.

The shopping checkout page is another good place to include this form. Customers will provide their email address to receive coupons and other discounts in the future. Most of the major shopping cart services are compatible with opt-in forms. If not, a developer or external program can be used for between $50 and $200.

If you have a company blog (and you should), add an opt-in box to the comments area. Some. If your email marketing company does not offer a plugin for blogs, the required software costs about $100. Create a mailing list from email addresses and use it to send messages regarding new products or services, discounts, and other offers. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

What Is Call To Freedom International

Many people spend time, effort, and money establishing a business. Far fewer are in business one year later. Even fewer manage to create an organization that provides a six figure income. With her business called Call To Freedom International, Dani Johnson became part of this minority. Her story of success is truly amazing.

At age 21, Dani was in debt and homeless, living out of her car with only $2.03 in her pocket. She was working as a salesperson, operating out of her trunk and through a pay telephone. For six months, she kept at it, failing every step of the way. Her persistence led her to an experienced business professional who coached and trained her, changing her life forever.

Just five months after she began working with her mentor, Dani was earning $20,000 per month. Within two years, she earned her first million. Dani went on to become a coach and mentor because she did not want anyone else to struggle like she did. She has already made a difference in the lives of tens of thousands of people.

Dani expands her reach with every new seminar, training program, book, and public appearance. Call To Freedom International is based on a belief in people and the concept that many have not yet reached their potential. The company focuses on small changes designed to achieve big results. By following proven methods and techniques, anyone will have an easier time achieving success.

Call To Freedom shows people how to invest in themselves. By increasing their influence and value, people can change their life and that of those around them. The company shows people how to increase their value by teaching them to become entrepreneurs, smart consumers, and investors. Learn more about the “whole person” approach this important organization takes and you may become its next success story.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Would You Like To Be More Productive?

Many of us wish that we could clone ourselves at times. That replica would help us get much more done in the same amount of time. We need not take such extreme measures to become more productive. On one of her recent Monday night strategy calls, Dani Johnson revealed secrets that will help anyone increase his or her productivity.

Dani posted a recording of this call on her website for public listening so devote an hour to listen to it. You will come away with ways to avoid common distractions and increase daily productivity. If prioritization is an issue for you, follow Dani’s tips for establishing priorities and crossing those to-dos off your list. Dani even explains how to manage time when other people are placing demands upon it.  

Being more productive frees up time in each day. Dani reveals how to use that time to get finances in order. By incorporating simple practices into their lifestyle, everyone can repay debt and begin making more money. Putting a price on time illustrates how much money is lost by wasting it. Making every day as productive as possible creates a more fulfilling life.

After listening to this recording, begin making the changes required to improve your productivity. Incorporate the tips that pertain to your current issues and save the others for when relevant problems rear their ugly head. You will be prepared to head them off at the pass, making the experience relatively painless.

As the saying goes, “Time is money.” Imagine how different your life would be if you could accomplish more in 
the same, or less, time. The advice that Dani provides is practical and can be immediately incorporated. You will finally make a dent in your to-do list, manage your time like a pro, and improve the quality of your life.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ensuring Business Success In A Recovering Economy

Word is that the worst of the recession is behind us, through many small business owners are still struggling. Customers seem to be spending once again but they have changed their ways. Entrepreneurs must change with them if they want their business to survive and eventually thrive. Whether they work from home or in a corporate office, business owners must make some changes.

The fundamental traits an entrepreneur must have, namely a clear vision, commitment, determination, and basic business acumen, have not changed. However, new strategies must be employed to do business in this changing environment. The experts recommend implementing the following tips to ensure business success as we emerge from very difficult times.

A business plan has never been more important, so create one and commit it to writing. Include business goals, strategies for achieving them, cash and financing required, and a marketing and sales plan. Keep it concise but comprehensive and do not be afraid to make changes. Every business plan requires tweaking now and then. Identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to make the relevant changes.

Just because you have good ideas does not mean that no one else does. Ask others to review operations, make suggestions, and serve as counsel. These folks keep you accountable to commitments, help you deal with difficult issues, and ensure that the business remains relevant. Though you may be emotionally invested in the venture, make non-emotional decisions and do not take anything personally.

Remember, this is a business, so develop written systems and measurements that serve as checks and balances as well as guides for new employees. Delegate to these workers and provide them with plenty of freedom. Incorporate the Internet into promotional efforts because social media networking is a great way to develop relationships with customers. Last, but not least, have fun!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Be Realistic When Considering Working From Home

Many people explore work from home opportunities because they want to earn secondary income. Others want to free themselves from the restrictions of traditional work and earn more money in the process. Still others want to decrease their stress level, repay debt, and spend more time with their family. Though a home based business can make each of these goals possible, other aspects should also be considered.

Being self-employed requires financial commitment. There may be startup costs for the new venture and there are usually income taxes. The cost of benefits also must be borne by the entrepreneur. There are always expenses involved in making money but an expert can show the entrepreneur how to structure earnings for maximum income.

Hard work is required to be successful at almost everything. Though aspects like a daily commute and traditional work hours may go by the wayside with a home business, income will not simply roll into the bank account. Entrepreneurs must work hard and remain focused while they are in their home office. By taking this approach, they will be able to enjoy some vacation time each year without worrying about work.

Though the home business goal may be to spend more time with family, some time away will be necessary. Young children often want to spend as much time as possible with their parents. However, being successful means that you must work. The difference with a home business is that you get to decide when you work.

Home based work can be very lucrative but it is not Easy Street. Investments of time and effort are required and family time is not unlimited. However, the aspects of control, flexibility, and freedom make these drawbacks worthwhile for many people. Taking a realistic view and being prepared will make the endeavor very fulfilling.