Three Simple Steps to Help Get a Jump Start on Your 2015
As many business owners know, having a budget and working
from it helps to maximize the chances of the business not only surviving the
coming year but also increases the chances that the company will also prosper.
Developing and sticking to a budget is a critical part of the business’s
success, so making sure the budget for the coming year is in place early is an
important step. With everything else going on at the end of the fiscal year, it
can be easy to push off such an important task but there are some simple steps
you can follow to help get the budget created and in place well before the
start of 2015.
Compile Your Direct Costs and Expenses
Instead of just guessing at a number or basing your budget
off of the previous year’s numbers, it is important to take a few key points
into consideration. One of these key areas is what the business’s direct costs
and overhead expenses will be for the coming year. These direct costs should
include the price to manufacture your products or support your services, administrative
costs, payroll, rent, and utilities for the office building or store front and
other overhead expenses that will negatively affect your sales revenue. When
looking at the price to produce and maintain your products or services, make
sure to take into account any predicted manufacturing increases that will up
the direct costs to produce.
Forecast Your Sales
Another important key to building out a successful budget is
forecasting your sales. This can sometimes be difficult for newer businesses
since there is not a significant sales history on which to base the figures. If
this is the case, build the number based on how many units you have sold to
date, how many you expect to sell and if that number is still realistic. Also,
make sure to factor in the price of the products or services and if that price
will be increasing for the next year. Other professionals recommend using Excel
to help build out this aspect, and all aspects, or your budget and to work
through each month one at a time, instead of the year as a whole to take into
account the busy and slow seasons of your selling year.
Take Time to Review the Budget
The goal of a budget is to have a gross profit figure larger
than the outgoing expenses - the difference between these numbers will predict
the business’s yearly net profit. Let’s assume that your predicted budget does
show profit – while this is great news, evaluate the number and decide whether
or not it is enough for the business to survive on or the number you were
expecting. If it is not, go through the first two steps again and see if there
are some areas that can be cut or increased to increase your net profit. If the
budget shows a loss, or going through the steps again does not yield a higher
profit, evaluate whether or not your business can still manage even if it takes
a loss through a period of growth. If no solution arises in any scenario,
revisit your business plan and consider a different approach.
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