Monday, January 5, 2009

DFI Training Event for Coastal Travel

Have you been wondering when the DFI Event Tickets would be going up?

It has now been finalized and the Ticket price for the DFI Event Tickets will be going up this Friday to $97 Dollars. Go to get your Tickets now before the price increases.

You can also reply to this email to get a ticket invoiced to your email.

The agenda at the event will cover:

1. How to create more focus in your business

2. How to duplicate your results faster through out your team

3. What you can do now if you are Brand New or been in a while that can systematically increase your results by 100%

4. In depth product training directly from our Board of Directors

5. Learn how our advertising firm has consistantly generated clients for over a decade

6. Meet many others on our team who are exactly where you are in your business, learn what they are doing.

7. You will be able to interact with Top Leaders in DFI, Examples, Stacy O'Quinn, Renae Heikkila, Nike from NC, Richard from ON, Tina from AZ, Amanda from MO, Catherine from MO, Shawn from CA, Jackie O'Quinn, Stephanie from GA, Jolynn from SD, Keri from SD, Angela from PA and the list goes on and on...

8. We will also learn who won the current contest for the cruise.

- Reminder: You get one entry for every new member you bring into DFI at 5 entries it is retroactive and you get to for each new member you refer to DFI. At 10 entries it is retro active and you get 3 entries for each new member referred.

Get your ticket at and we will see you THERE!
MyDFISupport Team

P.S. Remember the Power Play will be starting tomorrow and our goal is to have 100 brand new people on the calls tomorrow and Wednesday!

P.S.S Ticket price increase will happen this FRIDAY.

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