The northeast is currently experiencing unseasonably warm weather, great for anyone wanting to shed the winter blues. Though temperatures are not extremely high, now is a good time to prepare for working in even warmer weather that will soon arrive. The time to set up the work at home business for hot weather is before a heat wave strikes, not during it.
Many people with a home based business work on a laptop. This makes it easy to move to the coolest room when outdoor temperatures rise. Choose a ground floor room on the north side of the home. Warm air rises, so avoid the second or higher floor and definitely stay out of the attic. If your home office is in the basement, enjoy cool temperatures there.
Use central air conditioning wisely, being careful not cool the room so much that you get cold, causing your system to respond by increasing your internal temperature. In a home without air conditioning, use ceiling fans and a desktop fan to create cool breezes. Do not sit directly in front of the desk fan because this can create muscular pain.
When outdoor breezes are cooler than the indoor temperature, open the windows to remove interior heat buildup. Draw the curtains or blinds as needed to prevent sunlight from entering your line of vision. Stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the workday, adding lemon, lime, or other natural flavoring as desired.
On the hottest days, take frequent breaks because sitting for long periods can make anyone hot, which leads to irritability. During breaks, cool down by washing the hands, arms, and face or take a quick cool (not cold) shower. It you are a hay fever sufferer, take a non-drowsy allergy medication, keep windows closed, and take a spoonful of honey twice a day.
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