Though recent data indicates that the economy may be improving, things are still very unstable. For a student preparing to graduate from college, the job market is less than welcoming. Even the most experienced workers are having trouble finding jobs. With graduation just over two months away, college seniors who have not yet found a job should consider a work at home business.
According to 2009 U.S. labor market data, three percent of college graduates were involuntarily working in part-time positions. Though 83 percent of 2009 college graduates managed to find jobs, only two-thirds of them had positions that required a college degree. The remaining one-third worked in low-end service positions, retail, or other jobs that were typically filled by high school graduates.
The statistics have not improved much since then and 2012 is expected to be another rough year for new college graduates. Instead of pounding the pavement to find work, these new professionals can create it themselves. Most college students are self-starters who can work independently and have a high level of confidence. These traits come in handy in an entrepreneurial role.
By having their own business, new graduates invest in themselves. They can schedule their own work hours, do something they love, and eliminate the fear of a layoff. This venture can be done on a part or full-time basis and may grow to the point where others can be brought onboard. When considering what type of business to start, graduates should thing about what they enjoy.
A home based business offers autonomy and flexibility, two traits that are rarely found in entry-level career positions. Graduates who are still waiting for someone to hire them should consider taking a more aggressive approach to their career. By starting their own business from home, they put themselves in the driver’s seat for life.
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