Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dani Johnson Hosts Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

On the May 19 edition of The Dani Johnson Radio Show, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn stopped by to discuss his book The Harbinger, a New York Times bestseller. He also shared an ancient mystery with the listening audience. If you missed this memorable broadcast, head over to Dani’s website and listen to the audio recording. Being prepared for what is likely to come could change your life.

Rabbi Cahn is the leader of Hope of the World, an outreach that aims to spread the word and love of God to everyone in need. Messages are conveyed through radio, television, printed word, and compassionate projects including the distribution of free Bibles to residents of overseas nations. This end-time ministry of Jews and Gentiles spreads the Gospel of salvation. Donations, gifts, and proceeds are applied to the goal of spreading the love of God to the world. Past missions include distributing medical supplies to the sick, constructing water wells and bamboo churches, and caring for orphans.

The Rabbi also leads the Jewish and Gentile worshipping center called Jerusalem Center & Beth Israel, located outside of New York City in Wayne, New Jersey. This organization is one of the largest Messianic worship centers on the planet and is comprised of people of all backgrounds, denominations, and from all nations. It aims to restore the original Jewish roots of the Gospel taken from the Book of Acts.

Before ancient Israel was destroyed as a nation, it received nine harbingers, or prophetic warning omens. Called the “bearer of the harbinger,” Rabbi Cahn has written several books on the topic, which are also available on CD and DVD. Harbingers include the Stone of Judgment, the Sign of the Sycamore, and the Mystery of the Erez Tree.

There is more to these symbols than meets the eye and Rabbi Cahn revealed some additional details during his recent talk with Dani. Money, politics, and the economy all play roles in his messages. The Rabbi believes that the recent state of each was ordained long ago, prophesized in the Bible. By understanding these messages and being prepared for the associated events, we can change our futures.

In addition to revealing prophecies that have come true, Rabbi Cahn’s latest book discusses what is yet to come. He says that we cannot afford to miss this information. A harbinger is considered an ancient mystery that holds the secret of the future of America. The Rabbi believes that God is sending us a prophetic message and we should listen and learn. Each revelation is a single piece in a large puzzle and the ramifications of each one can alter the course of the history of our planet.

This message seems quite appropriate given the current unstable state of our economy and the increasing complexity of the political arena. By having Rabbi Cahn as a guest on her radio show, Dani provided us with another tool to handle the future. Dani Johnson training equips us to handle whatever may come our way and helps us prepare younger generations to be successful in that new world.

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