By now, you should have heard of Dani Johnson, the woman who
managed to turn her life around by selling a weight loss product and who is now
a business, financial, and relationship consultant to thousands of people
across the world. Some of you may have purchased one of her training programs,
hoping that a Dani Johnson script book
would open the door to unimaginable success. If that success has not come, a
single mistake may be to blame.
According to Dani, this mistake costs people clients, money,
business partners, and relationships. It can cause people to lose everything
they have worked to achieve. This mistake is actually a simple one and may be
made unconsciously. What is it? Being afraid of losing something. Whether we
fear losing our job, business, money, or relationships, we are focusing on the
wrong thing. We direct our energy to avoid losing what we have rather than
channeling it into getting something even more valuable.
How does Dani know about this mistake and its effects? She
made it early in her career and experienced the detrimental consequences. To
prevent the rest of us from going through this pain and having to claw our way
back to the top as she did, Dani suggests that we concentrate on three things
to keep ourselves moving in the correct direction.
Focus is the first thing we must master because we get more
of whatever we focus on in life. This is because we get good at the things that
we focus on, increasing the likelihood of success. If we spend time focusing on
money that we fear we will not make or customers or a job that we are afraid to
lose, we are neglecting the money that we are making, the customers we have,
and the job at which we should be performing our best.
It is not possible to focus on the negative and the positive
at the same time. Therefore, we must stop focusing on what is wrong or what we
could be doing better and begin focusing on what is going right and on the
results we are creating. Focus on that one prospect who said yes not the
handful of others who said no. Celebrate successes and use them as motivation
to achieve even more.
When we concentrate on what we are doing, it is easy to
become mired in data, processes, and the day-to-day obligations. This prevents
us from concentrating on creating results. Being organized, working day and
night, and setting hundreds of appointments mean nothing if we are not
producing concrete results.
The last thing Dani recommends is to have faith. We must
believe in what we are doing, the money we are investing in our careers, the
time we are spending with clients, and the effort we are putting into
relationships. We need to trust that these will produce results. When we do
this, we begin carrying ourselves in a manner that illustrates our beliefs.
This is what creates success.
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