Tips for Creating the Perfect Work-Life Balance
Work-from-home professionals face a unique challenge when it
comes to creating balance – separating work time from home time is hard when
your work is in your home! A good work-life balance is important for any
business professional, but keeping this balance in check when working from home
can be difficult but possible. Here are some tips to keep work life and family
life in balance when working out of a home office.
Creating a Defined Work Space in the Home is Important
One of the first steps to creating and maintaining a healthy
work-life balance is defining a workspace. Whether this space in an entire room
or just a desk in the dining room, even more important than defining the space
is keeping it strictly an area where business gets accomplished. Make sure to
eliminate any personal clutter such as bills or mail and only use that area for
working – personal items of this nature can be extremely distracting and will
continue to blur the lines between “work” and “home.”
Keep Strict, Consistent Working Hours
Setting work hours is also essential in creating a good
balance when working from a home office. Set hours are a great way to define
boundaries for when clients can and cannot contact you and allows for time
throughout the week for family. Setting up automatic replies outside of working
hours helps minimize interruptions during family time, and letting loved ones
know no to disturb excessively during working hours can help allow for more
productivity with work.
Enjoy Family Time!
Just like 9 to 5 business professionals enjoy weekends off, so
should work-from-home professionals. Although the temptation to work during this
time will always be there, it is important to remember that personal time is
just as important as work. If powering down the computer and cell phone is what
needs to be done to help stay off them during free time that is what you need
to do! Taking the time to create a work-life balance will mean nothing if
family and fun is constantly being interrupted by work.
Just because you do not work in an office with set hours
every week does not mean that you need to be working all the time! Although
work-from-home professionals sometimes face challenges creating balance in
their lives, it is possible to achieve by setting boundaries and making sure
that work does not encompass their whole lives. A good work-life balance is
essential in achieving both professional and personal
Need more tips on how to work from home? Perhaps a business mentor can help you get organized and on the road to success! If you would like to contact Stacy O'Quinn to see how he can help you, click here.
*Photo Courtesy of _gee_ via Creative Commons License
*Photo Courtesy of _gee_ via Creative Commons License
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