Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dani Johnson Participates In Exploit Book Fair

Miami, Florida, hosted the Exploit Book Fair last week and lifestyle expert and coach Dani Johnson was there. Thousands of people attend this annual Spanish-speaking event that highlights products available in Spanish. Dani was on hand to provide a live interview and answer questions about her successful book, Spirit Driven Success. She remained onsite throughout the day and autographed copies of her pictures and books for the many fans who turned out to see her.

Exploit is the largest Hispanic Christian ministry convention in the United States. This week-long event attracts authors, artists, ministries, speakers, and musicians and the program is packed with Christian seminars, workshops, and concerts. With more than 350 booths on the exhibit floor, attendees receive exposure to an assortment of products honoring Christianity. Dani was in good company and many people attended just to spend time with this amazing entrepreneur.

Dani may not speak Spanish fluently but her message is one that translates well in any language. Helping people to improve their lives is her mission. Whether someone wants to create wealth while serving others or identify the best home based business for individuals of faith, Dani can help. She is a believer and this guides many of the decisions she makes. Anyone who encounters this self-made millionaire cannot help but become inspired by her. The spirit works through Dani to help others get out of debt and achieve personal and professional success.

This event could not come at a better time. Life is complicated and lately, seems to be fraught with social tragedies. People are looking for signs of good in others and they want reasons to keep believing. Dani and the other Christian presenters at Exploit 2013 gave attendees something to hold onto as the nation recovers from events including the Boston Marathon bombing. Attendees left with a renewed sense of purpose that their efforts are not pointless.

Serving others is an important part of being a responsible Christian. Spirit Driven Success features time-tested secrets from the Bible that illustrate how to personally benefit while serving others. It includes the trademarked 10 Step Wealth Formula designed to create personal prosperity. Readers also learn how to eliminate fear from their relationships, careers, and financial lifestyles. Dani even provides a glimpse of what life is like when we free ourselves from self-sabotage and stress.

Dani knows the importance of spirituality because her faith is responsible for her success. It helped her go from a youth of welfare, teen pregnancy, and homelessness to becoming a millionaire. After experiencing success, Dani became passionate about helping others to succeed and her faith is at the heart of what she advocates.

Anyone who did not attend Exploit this year should create a reminder to register for the 2014 event. Spirit Driven Success is available through Dani’s website and offers a simple way to begin a balanced lifestyle based on faith. Look for Dani at other spiritual events in the future and in the meantime, follow her tips for letting faith into your life.

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