Friday, June 6, 2008

How can you Maximize the DFI Event for Coastal Travel?

Dani Johnson has talked extensively in some of her training about always promoting the next event. Have you ever wandered what she meant by that or maybe why it would matter? Did you think that was her selling her event somehow? Did you block out the strategy she was sharing because you assumed it was about her making money instead of you?

Don't worry 98% of the room probably did the same thing!

You know if you work any type of Home Based Business that there are several things that come into play if your business and paycheck are going to grow over time. First and foremost there has to be a purpose and a vision. Some people are much better at planting purpose and vision then others. Vision is important because it creates a need and a desire! It gives people a reason to move forward. What did that big book say? You know that one book! The Bible, a man without a vision will parish.

Promoting an event creates natural vision not to mention the results you and your team will get from the training.

DFI is sponsering an event for all of Coastal Travel. If you want to get the most out of your business then promote the event!!! What would it look like if you had 5 or 10 people there with you. Or what if you only had one? How would that affect your business for the rest of the year?

Amanda Butler created an amazing montage for our team to use to promote the event. Talk about several hours of volunteering just to help us out as a team! Where else can you find that? We love you Amanda, Thank YOU!

What are you waiting for? Go to now before the price goes up to $197.

See you in PA!

Stacy O'Quinn

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