Friday, February 17, 2012

If You Need A Job Or Want A Better One, Listen Up

With unemployment figures at uncomfortable levels, the number of people out of work are receiving more attention than those with jobs. People seeking employment are engaged in heavy competition for the relatively few jobs available. Those who are fortunate enough to have jobs feel guilty even thinking about making a change. Though 85 percent of workers hate what they do, many are afraid to improve their situation.

To help both groups, multimillionaire Dani Johnson is offering a four-hour coaching session on how to find a job or turn the current job into a more enjoyable career. Clients have been asking Dani to offer a training session on this subject for years. Motivated by the current American employment landscape, she has finally decided to do it.

Set up as a webinar, this training will teach participants how to get noticed in the employment world and land the job interview they want. Realizing that getting in the door is just one step in the hiring process, Dani will also teach job seekers how to knock the socks off of interviewers, to the point where the job offers are plentiful.

Participants who already have jobs will learn how to get a raise, a promotion, or both. They will also discover how to find satisfaction in their current career. Whether they are tired of the monotony or unhappy with their current level in the organization, they will learn how to change this and create a career they truly love.

Dani is calling her two-part training session “Job Domination” and it will be held on February 23 and March 1. Those interested can register on her website. While there, they can also listen to an exclusive interview where Dani discusses what she is most excited about conveying during this webinar. Register today because the session will fill up quickly.

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