Thursday, August 28, 2008

Did someone say Hurricane? Glad I work from home...

Gustav, is definitely headed toward the Gulf of Mexico where it goes from there nobody knows. This is another one of those moments where I'm glad I work from home. If it gets close trust me the O'Quinn family is heading for the hills :).

Back in the my military days we had to wait for them to evacuate us. Or depending on the equipment we were maintaining I might have to stay behind and send my family off with out me. Now I never really felt like I was in danger but dang who wants to be separated from their family as they sit in the path of a hurricane?

So Gustav come if you like! I'll pray that my home stays in place but if you take that I'll still have my family and well my family will still have an income. Did I ever mention how much I live DFI and Coastal Travel? Speaking of loving this business, Edgar (he's 2) learned to ride a big kids bike today!!!

Enjoy your kids it's apparent they grow up super fast! If you and your family are near the path of Gustav you will be in our prayers. Be safe and think smart! Don't stay behind no matter what we all remember the pictures on TV from Katrina.

Stay Safe,
Stacy O'Quinn
Happy Stay at Home Dad

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