Thursday, November 14, 2013

Avoid Becoming a Holiday Marketing Victim

holiday marketing, dani johnson
We are entering dangerous times. Yes, you read that correctly…dangerous. What do we mean by that? Well, the holiday season is upon us and that means a flurry of advertisements designed to get us to part with our hard-earned money. Discounts, specials, and pre-holiday sales are arriving in our real and virtual mailboxes every day. Not only are these time-consuming to sift through, they are tempting. They are also pressure tactics so we should be wary.

Many people are saddled with debt, which does not take a holiday. Despite this, they spend their money on so-called discounted purchases during the holidays rather than saving the money or using it to pay down debt balances. Half-off sales are difficult for even the most frugal consumers to resist. Though the discount is notable, the mere act of marking down prices by 50 percent causes many people to spend money when they normally would not.

Think about it: an online or brick-and-mortar retailer sends you a coupon for 50 percent off. What do you do? Fire up the computer or jump into the car and zip over to make some purchases. Were these items that you actually needed or did you just buy anything simply to take advantage of the discount? In many cases, consumers buy much more than they normally would and few of the items are necessary. Even loyalty rewards programs can be tricky that way.

Holiday sales seem like ways to save money on holiday shopping. Delve deeper to determine whether material items are really necessary. The holidays are about friends and family, not money. Why not spend quality time with the people who mean the most rather than overextending the budget to give them things they may not need? Put natural talents like cooking, sewing, or construction to work, helping others who do not have these special skills. Make each “gift” a personalized one that enhances the life of the recipient.

Dani Johnson, Secret Millionaire star and personal financial guru, is just one of the experts who kicks efforts into high gear during the holiday season. Dani has seen thousands of people struggle with money, many of them victims of holiday overspending. She helps people avoid the temptation and continue saving no matter how steep the holiday discounts become.

Helping consumers get back on track financially is the best gift Dani can give. Through her books, training programs, weekly radio broadcasts, and in-person workshops, she helps people become better at saving money and increasing their incomes. These are skills she has mastered and wants to share with the world.

It is so easy to fall into a mentality of consumerism. Do not succumb to this trap. Make conscious effort to keep money in the wallet or use it to repay debts. Focus on thoughts and feelings, not store-bought gifts, this holiday season. Think about what means the most to you and request that of others, helping them to save money as well. Rebel against retail and get back to the real reason for this season.

*Photo Courtesy of Christina Rutz via Creative CommonsLicense

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